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Beg buy electric machinery to decide rotor to develop pattern of a compound model, punch

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quanttyi: 5 pairs 
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location: Jiangsu苏州市
valid until: Long-term effective
last update: 2017-04-14
view count: 3519
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  • Inquiry time: On July 15, 2015 08:53
  • Quote ends: On August 23, 2015 23:59
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Inquiry product(machine / calm goods)

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Electric machinery decides rotor to rush piece 5 pairs Product ability is qualitative: Fibre glass of 3240 epoxy resin board; Ply 0.5mm or 1.0mm

To supplier requirement

Receive goods land: City of happy Qing Dynasty of Zhejiang lukewarm city
Bill requirement: Need not bill
Trade means: Pay treasure to assure trade
Quote requirement: Need signs up for the price that contain tax

Complement explains

Electric machinery decides rotor to develop a compound mould, punch pattern,

Fall makings is strong cut into parts, discharge punch continuously, the hand is moved into makings, ball is oriented, self-centering shank, steel of Cr12Mov of concave and convex model, vacuum heat treatment, hardness 58-62HRC


Product ability is qualitative: Fibre glass of 3240 epoxy resin board; Ply 0.5mm or 1.0mm

If require detailed data, add my QQ 275765888 please



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