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In iron one bureau is municipal inquiry of instrument of experiment of works of water of Xi Gong doo

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quanttyi: 60 
Packaging :
location: Jiangsu苏州市
valid until: Long-term effective
last update: 2017-04-14
view count: 4349
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Detailed instructions
  • Inquiry time: On July 23, 2015 18:15
  • Quote ends: On July 28, 2015 23:59
  • Expectation receives money: On July 31, 2015
Instantly quote Get quoted price (5)

Inquiry product(merchandise on hand / standard items)

Product name Purchase an amount Product description  
Fight aspic to try modular 100×100×100 60
Annulus knife 3

To supplier requirement

Receive goods land: Beijing Beijing Beijing goes in for sth in a large scale area
Bill requirement: Average bill
Trade means: Pay treasure to assure trade
Quote requirement: Need signs up for the price that contain tax

Complement explains

In iron one bureau is municipal environmental protection limited company is earnest remind: After the supplier reads inquiry only detailed information carefully, quote seriously please. We meet the person that quote in disorder be informed against to Alilibaba, and pull supplier blacklist! The thank cooperates.

(1) receive money pertinent information receives goods address: Beijing goes in for sth in a large scale the area is the same as Hua Lu 88 (Yuan Chengming content flows) in iron one bureauMinistry of water works project Consignee: Zhu Jianguo connects a telephone call: 18391567333

(2) quote asks to be between quote period of efficacy, the supplier can quote for many times reach adjust quoted price, with lowest quote is accurate. Quote is delivery price, the quote unit price that fill in should carry to include all duty expend etc of cost of unload of incidental expenses, outfit, insurance the settle accounts that wait is monovalent, settle accounts uses one ticket to make. To prevent baleful quoted price, cannot carry out supplied supplier by quotation price, limitation its are purchased in “ answer surely ” zone is right in iron one bureau is municipal of environmental protection company trade behavior.

(3) supply requirement material to arrive at the spot to add product warranty book along with goods, eligible proof; If discover quality problem,goods is using a process to spot hind, do the processing that return money directly and bear relevant cost by businessman proper motion.

(4) settle accounts asks this second purchase the iron in be concentration of limited company of engineering of municipal environmental protection purchases one bureau group, by in iron limited company of engineering of municipal environmental protection consolidates one bureau group pay. Do not accept the settle accounts way of any forms such as imprest.

(5) unidentified to asking to have matters concerned can contact Zhu Jianguo to connect a telephone call: 18391567333


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