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Germany reports growth in glass containers in 2017

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2018-04-23  source :www.glassonline.com  view count:5048
Core prompt :German glassware group Aktionsforum Glasverpackung, part of the industry association of the German glass industry
German glassware group Aktionsforum Glasverpackung, part of the industry association of the German glass industry Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V., reports that sales of container glass in 2017 increased by 4.2 million tons, which is 1.9% more than in the previous year. Sales in the country increased by 0.6%, and internationally by 5%.

The beverage sector reported 2.5% growth in 2017, with the highest growth observed in the segment of containers for soft drinks (water, milk and juice) at 3.9%, due to steady demand for mineral water. According to data from the Union of Mineral Resources of Germany (Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen e V.), in 2016 the consumption of these waters per capita was high at the previous year and amounted to about 148 liters.

Distribution of alcoholic beverages was also positive. Sales of beer, spirits in glass increased by 2.4% compared to the previous year, despite the fact that sales of beer decreased by 2.1%. Wines and sparkling wines saw an increase in sales by 2.2%.

Glass containers for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products increased 0.8%. In the segment of glass containers for food products (except fruits, vegetables and canned food with vinegar) sales increased by 0.7%, and in the glass container segment for fruits, vegetables and pickled canned goods, growth was 0.9% over the previous year.
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