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Şişecam acquires refractory manufacturer Refel

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2022-02-08  source :glass-international.com  view count:1565
Core prompt :Şişecam will acquire the Italian company Refel, one of the world's leading refractory materials manufacturers.With thi
Şişecam will acquire the Italian company Refel, one of the world's leading refractory materials manufacturers.
With this acquisition, Şişecam aims to secure its refractory supply and avert supply chain-based risks for its new investment plans.
The unavailability of refractory materials can double the time required to complete cold repairs in glass melting furnaces.
Şişecam Chairman, Professor Ahmet Kırman, said the investment would allow Şişecam to become a major player in the ever developing and growing refractory industry:
“The acquisition of refractory manufacturer Refel will play a major role in eliminating supply risks that Şişecam may face in its future glass manufacturing investments.
This acquisition is clearly in line with Şişecam's sustainability approach to its investments. By acquiring Refel, Şişecam will bolster its strategic position in the European and world glass industry.
In addition, Şişecam’s strong RD&T and design capabilities, which also extends to furnace designs, will enable us to introduce many innovative products and technologies to the glass industry in the refractory field.”
Prof Kırman further highlighted that adapting to disruptions caused by the pandemic was vital to the company’s growth:
“Securing the supply of critical materials is imperative today during this time of widespread supply chain disruptions. This way, Şişecam ensures that its furnace investments are completed according to our planned calendar.”
Refel is also widely known for its R&D capabilities in refractory product development, which Prof Kirman said Şişecam would contribute to with its own.
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