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Ardagh Glass implements sustainable battery storage system

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2018-04-25  source :www.glass-international.com  view count:3359
Core prompt :Ardagh Group has implemented a sustainable battery storage system to increase resilience and energy security at its
Ardagh Group has implemented a sustainable battery storage system to increase resilience and energy security at its glass container plant in Irvine, Scotland.
It’s the biggest behind-the-meter storage system in Europe and the first system to be used in the glass industry.
The Irvine plant needs a reliable energy supply to support its continuous manufacture of glass containers throughout the year.
The sustainable battery, provided by ESB Smart Energy Services, provides the plant with a reliable back-up during peak energy consumption and sends energy back to the grid when demand is low.
The solution is a combination of a Tesla battery and a grid-optimising platform.
The Tesla battery is designed to efficiently store energy during periods of lower demand and to support demand during intermittent power failures.  
The grid-optimising platform enables Ardagh to participate in the National Grid’s Firm Frequency Response service. In practice, the battery reduces the plant’s reliance on the grid and when excess energy stored by the battery is not required, it can be delivered back to the National Grid.  
Annelene Fisser, Ardagh’s CSR & Sustainability Manager, said: “We are committed to environmental responsibility and sustainable manufacturing processes and had been exploring battery storage solutions for a long time to help us effectively meet these commitments. 
“When ESB approached us with its battery storage offering, we felt confident that this would provide the efficient and cost effective solution we were looking for.”
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