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Stölzle digitizes their production processes

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2018-06-27  source :www.stoelzle.com  view count:4357
Core prompt :One of the most prominent challenges in the age of industry 4.0 is the (internal) sharing of data in large-scale
One of the most prominent challenges in the age of industry 4.0 is the (internal) sharing of data in large-scale corporations. Complex production processes and the large number of individual people involved in these processes turn the centralized collection and transfer of information into a difficult task – be it the calibration data for machines or production performance indicators for analysis. One way the Stölzle Grass Group faces these challenges is through the introduction of smart software solutions for the Austrian and Czech production facilities.
The digitalization project has been realized in one year’s time. Thanks to centralized data collection, the system allows users to access all relevant production parameters or machinery calibration data in real time through various mobile devices. The benefits of this solution are two-fold. First, employees and engineers no longer have to get this data from a desktop PC and save valuable time. Second, production and efficiency analysis material can be generated effortlessly in order to identify potentials for improvement.
With the completion of this project the locations Stölzle-Oberglas (Austria) and Stölzle-Union (Czech Republic) are pioneers regarding digitalization in the Stölzle Glass Group.
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