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Ardagh Group Launches Development Machine

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2018-09-19  source :www.ardaghgroup.com  view count:2926
Core prompt :Todays competitive environment means that packaging design is acknowledged by brand owners as key to the success of any
Today’s competitive environment means that packaging design is acknowledged by brand owners as key to the success of any new product launch. Companies that develop and launch new products in the shortest time have a clear advantage in the marketplace.
Ardagh Group, a leading producer of glass containers for the food and beverage industries in the United States, recognizes this and has finalized a multi-million dollar investment in a new Development Machine, allowing brands to unveil new or redesigned products in glass packaging much faster than ever before.
Located in Ardagh Group’s glass manufacturing facility in Port Allegany, Penn., the Development Machine is a highly flexible glass forming system, capable of quick changes, and is contributing to a 30% reduction in new product lead times.
The technology, available to customers globally, can simulate nearly every manufacturing condition to make glass bottles and jars of all shapes and sizes, while also incorporating the latest design features such as  unique textures and embossing.
Ardagh Group’s overall Vision4GlassSM approach includes a team of in-house designers that collaborate with customers in the earliest design phases to create conceptual designs, technical drawings, 3D renderings and prototype models. The addition of the Development Machine to this process makes it seamless for brand owners to create custom bottle designs, launch new products, or unveil limited edition releases.
“As a leader in glass packaging, Ardagh Group continues to focus on innovation and this flexible facility enables our customers to achieve real reductions in the time taken to get their products to market,” said Alex Robertson, Chief Commercial Officer of Ardagh Group’s North American Glass division.
Companies interested in exploring the Development Machine can contact Ardagh Group directly.
For more information about Ardagh Group’s glass packaging, go to www.ardaghgroup.com/glass.
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