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Vidrala gains a second wind with 100% renewable energy

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2019-01-25  source :www.vidrala.com  view count:1568
Core prompt :Vidrala is now powering its two Portuguese container glass plants with 100% renewable energy.SB Vidros was certified
Vidrala is now powering its two Portuguese container glass plants with 100% renewable energy.
SB Vidros was certified as being 100% renewably powered in 2018, and now Gallo Vidro can also boast the accolade.
Both factories are supplied with renewable energy by Acciona through its electric energy sales subsidiary Acciona Green Energy Developments.  Gallo Vidro will be hoping to repeat some of the carbon savings success of its Portuguese counterpart.  SB Vidros has so far saved 30,000 tons of CO2 in its production processes since being certified as 100% renewably powered.
Vidrala is focusing on continually strengthening its commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment,  reducing the environmental impact of its processes, the consumption of resources and, specifically, to minimize energy consumption.
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