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Arc International asks staff to work more to avoid filing for bankruptcy

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2019-01-17  source :www.glass-international.com  view count:2138
Core prompt :French tableware manufacturer Arc International has asked its employees to work more to avoid filing for bankruptcy, rep
French tableware manufacturer Arc International has asked its employees to work more to avoid filing for bankruptcy, reports France3-regions.
The company, based in Arques, northern France, said it must re-organise itself to avoid the risk of filing for bankruptcy.
Management has presented a comprehensive two-year plan wth a flagship measure: to change employee working hours.
Arc International’s Director General, Tristan Borne, announced the plan, titled Synergie 2020, at a works council.
Synergie 2020 is based on six measures, one of which concerns working time. In the short term, Mr Borne asks all his employees to work more. 
Full story https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/pas-calais/saint-omer/arc-international-demande-ses-salaries-travailler-plus-eviter-depot-bilan-1607335.html
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