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Ardagh to close Lincoln, Illinois container glassmaking site

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2019-02-06  source :www.glass-international.com  view count:3087
Core prompt :Ardagh Group has decided to close its Lincoln, Illinois, USA glass container production facility with the loss of 150
Ardagh Group has decided to close its Lincoln, Illinois, USA glass container production facility with the loss of 150 jobs.
The site will close on or after April 30, 2019.
Its customers will be serviced from other Glass - North America facilities.
It described the closure as a 'footprint adjustment' and said that, combined with its ongoing focus on cost reduction, it aims to enhance its competitiveness, as well as optimise the effectiveness of its capital investments.
The container glass manufactrer closed its Milford, MA, facility in March last year while its Ruston, LA plant furnace was placed on a six-month down time in July last year.
It said it would focus its efforts on pursuing growth opportunities in stronger performing end markets, such as wine, spirits and food.
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