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US Department of Commerce Increases Duties on Chinese Glass Containers

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2020-05-21  source :glass-international.com  view count:2543
Core prompt :The US Department of Commerce has imposed duties ranging from 25.46% to 320.53% on Chinese glass container imports.
The US Department of Commerce has imposed duties ranging from 25.46% to 320.53% on Chinese glass container imports.
It has issued its final affirmative decision in its countervailing duty (CVD) investigation into subsidised Chinese imports of glass containers into the USA.
The decision comes after the American Glass Packaging Coalition (AGPC) filed antidumping and CVD petitions.
It alleged that the US glass container industry had been materially injured by unfairly priced imports from China.
The glass containers covered by the determination include beer bottles, wine bottles, spirits bottles, non-alcoholic beverage bottles, ready-to-drink beverage bottles, and food containers.
Daniel B. Pickard, counsel to the AGPC and partner in the International Trade Practice at Wiley Rein, stated: “This determination brings the US industry one step closer to competing in a fair environment.”
The Department of Commerce’s final determination in a companion antidumping case is scheduled for September 11, 2020.
In that proceeding, Commerce assessed preliminary dumping margins ranging from 7.60% to 255.68%.
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